Thyme is a perennial shrub that looks beautiful in any garden due to its striking light purple to pink flowers. Easy to grow, and a great addition to any dish, thyme is a favorite or gardeners! You can grow thyme directly in your garden, in pots, and even indoors! Keep reading to learn how to grow thyme in your garden and reap the rewards of this flavorful herb!

How to Grow Thyme In a Pot, Indoors, or Outdoors

thyme in pot

Thyme is extremely aromatic and has a pleasant, pungent, clover flavor. There are actually over 50 varieties of thyme, but whichever you choose to grow, the instructions will all be the same!

Planting Thyme:

  • Most gardeners will not grow thyme from seeds as the germination can be slow and uneven.
  • It's best to purchase the plant or use some cuttings from another thyme plant.
  • Plant the cuttings or seeds indoors 6-10 weeks before the last spring frost to get a head start.
  • 2-3 weeks before the last spring frost, plant the seeds/cuttings in well drained soil about 9 inches apart.
  • Thyme plants should grow about 6-12 inches in height.
  • You can plant thyme alongside tomatoes and cabbage.

Caring for Thyme Plants:

  • Water regularly and trim the plants regularly.
  • Prune the thyme plants in the spring and summer to contain growth.
  • To protect the plants during the winter, lightly mulch around the soil.

Harvesting Thyme:

  • You can harvest the sprigs and leaves in the summertime.
  • To dry the sprigs, hang them upside down in a dry, cool place such as a cellar.

So now that you know how to grow thyme, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!

Happy Planting!

How to Grow Thyme

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